Monthly Horoscopes
Monthly horoscopes tell you what to
expect for the month ahead. You can find
monthly horoscopes in many fashion and
general interest magazines. Have you ever
noticed, though, that the magazines that do
carry horoscopes are generally the ones that
women would read. It is rare indeed to find
any mention of horoscopes in magazines that
are geared toward men. Men do like to read
their horoscopes to get a glimpse into their
Most monthly horoscopes are very vague.
This is because there are so many people
under the sign in very different
circumstances that the horoscope has to try
to fit each one. A horoscope that mentions
the possibility of having money in the
future can mean many different things to
different people. For the business man or
woman, it could give them an idea about a
new business venture and for someone who is
unemployed it could give them hope that
he/she will find a job before the month is
Why use Monthly Horoscopes?
There are many online sites where you can
read your monthly horoscope or have it sent
to your email address, free of charge. How
you interpret the horoscope depends on how
you think it fits into your lifestyle. It is
often hard to discern how it fits you at all
and sometimes the advice the horoscope
provides has nothing to do with your
circumstances. Often people dismiss the
horoscope and later when something happens
that was actually foretold to them they put
it down to coincidence.
What you need in a monthly horoscope is
one that is designed for you and your
individual birthday. It should be detailed
so that you have advice about financial,
love, friendship and career related matters.
Generally horoscopes focus on
self-improvement so that you will be a
better person and better able to meet the
challenges of life.