MSN Astrology
MSN astrology offers you many features
where you can find out your daily, weekly or
monthly horoscope. You can get a personal
reading through a live phone consultation
with a psychic. There are special features
offered on the home page depending on the
time of the year. For example, in May you
can find sites related to Mother’s Day where
you can see your mother’s horoscope and by
reading the horoscope you will get ideas of
what she might like as a gift. The same
thing applies to Father’s Day and birthdays.
What is MSN Astrology?
If you would like information about Tarot
readings or have one done, there is a link
in the sidebar that will take you to the
appropriate section. Here you can choose one
of three decks- Love, Touchstone and Career-
to get a reading according to the cards for
each one as they apply to you. This is a
very general reading because you only enter
your name, but it will give you an idea of
how tarot card readings can help to predict
your future.
Chinese astrology is also available on
the MSN astrology site. Here you can read
about your personality traits depending on
the animal associated with your year of
birth. You don’t have to know what animal
that is because by entering your date of
birth, the site will find it for you. You
can find out if you are compatible with your
mate through the eyes of Chinese horoscopes.
Numerology is also available on this
site. You can find out what your lucky
numbers are and those of your family and
friends depending on your birthday. Some
people use these numbers faithfully when
playing the lottery in hopes that they will
become rich. Whatever you desire in
astrology, you will find it on this site.