Yahoo Astrology
Yahoo astrology not only provides you
with your daily horoscope, but you can also
read the horoscope of your loved one or
someone close to you. The home page of this
site has links to all of the Zodiac signs
where you will find a daily overview of your
horoscope. There is always a quickie lead in
and you can progress further into the site
to get more detailed information. The side
bar provides links to daily extended
horoscopes as well as weekly and monthly
horoscopes. There is a section for
teenagers, whose horoscopes will naturally
be different from that of adults. You can
check your daily forecast for love and
relationships as well as for your career and
More than just Yahoo Astrology...
If you want to talk to others about
Chinese astrology, Feng Shui, divination or
interpreting dreams, you can join one of
these groups directly from this site. There
is an astrology chat room and message boards
where you can ask questions and get answers
to questions about your sign.
If you are looking to find a mate or want
to find out how you and your partner are
compatible, you can use the Yahoo astrology
site to see if you are compatible. You just
click on any two signs to view your
compatibility chart. This may or may not
influence any of your decisions, but it may
be helpful in giving you an insight into
your partner’s thoughts and feelings. You
can see how well you relate to a friend or
coworker and this often helps in
establishing lasting friendships.
In Chinese astrology, you need to know
the year your were born – rabbit, fox, etc.
in order to be able to read your horoscopes.
An overview of each year is provided as well
as a general daily overview and the
horoscope for the year in love or in
general. You will find everything you need
at Yahoo astrology and will keep coming back
on a daily basis to find out what the stars
have in store for you.